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Thursday, 31 October 2013

An interlude of baby knitting

Tension before the wedding was inevitable and, to take my mind off things, I agreed to knit for a 6 month old baby. 
I adore King Cole Bamboo cotton so the purchase of a few balls came easily. The trip that this necessitated to my favourite little yarn shop - Knit Nottingham, meant that I just had to add a few additional odd balls so the baby knitting extended to four cardigans - to give the Mum a choice, of course. 
I still prefer knitting log cabin blankets but baby items do have advantages:-

I like the navy - such a good colour for a baby girl!

Monday, 28 October 2013

A Wedding!

My eldest daughter married her wonderful fiancé on Saturday near to Abergavenny. It was just the most perfect day, planned meticulously by the couple to be everything they wanted it to be. From start to finish it was a spectacular weekend. The storms waited until after the photographs, the dresses looked amazing, the speeches brought tears, the dance floor was never empty, the food was great and the bride had a smile on her face from early morning to well after midnight.
I think a list is required:
Venue - ideal, comfortable, intimate, beautiful - and all to ourselves for the weekend
Flowers - just right - colours perfectly matches to autumnal leaves
Cake - yummy - simply decorated by florist totally appropriately
Hairdresser - excellent start to the day - great salon, great styles and they stayed in
Dresses - wow!
Food - we want to go back and eat some more from the chef - wonderful
Speeches - tear jerking, funny, well planned, emotional, just right
Band - great sets, great dance music
Bridesmaids - beautiful
Children - well behaved, funny, delightful
iPad FaceTime guests - in Florida and Staffordhshire - virtual guests welcome
Wedding romance? - yes - one boy totally smitten..............
Hand knitted owl favours - went down well
Families - happy

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Jessica's dresser

Jess celebrated a significant birthday in August and, as part of her birthday present, I bought her an old dresser from my cousin, Julie. Julie has been remodelling her home and the dresser was no longer required. It needed a little TLC but I knew that Jess would relish that prospect.

The original dresser:

It fitted into the kitchen - something I had been just a little concerned about. The colour certainly didn't go.
Jess had wanted a dresser for some time to display her collection of old crockery - much of it retrieved from the home of her late grandparents. This collection had been sitting here for a number of years so I was particularly happy to see her have the dresser - more space here for me!

Some trips to a DIY store and a considerable amount of work resulted in this:

It looks pretty good and she is delighted. A picture of her grandparents has pride of place and many of the items are well known to me from childhood.

I now want a dresser myself. Never thought I would but I know just the place and I know what I would like to display too- on the look out!

Friday, 11 October 2013

Pumpkins and figs

This year has been a bumper year for the fig trees and for our pumpkins. 
We must have collected well over 500 figs this summer. Some we ate, some were baked into fig cakes - used instead of apples or bananas in some simple loaf tin bakes, some were dried - not a success, some made into jam - sort of successful but sweet, many were given away, so,e thrown away if i didn't get to do something with them in time, and many were frozen. I read that the best way to freeze in cooked fruits was to cut in half, dip in lemon juice and open freeze. When frozen, bag. This worked well but I have a freezer full! Yet more figs were gently poached in honey or just in a little water and then frozen in plastic containers. It is indeed fortunate that we have a spare freezer! My only issue is when on earth I will get to use this abundant crop.
The pumpkins looked as if they were going to good very early on and so it turned out. Lots of sun, not a lot of rain and taking care of them. Halloween will be fun and there will be pans full of pumpkin soup and an oven full of roasted pumpkin - no doubt to be frozen and added to the freezer.
Then there are the apples - many windfalls already and a number of trees looking as if there are apples ready to pick. I am beginning to worry about whether there is enough space in the freezers......