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Thursday, 14 April 2016

A return to knitting

I don't know where the past few months went. Life was taken over by a new grandson, a growing acquired grandson, a daughter having brain surgery!!!, the garden, the builder who sort of moved in, a family funeral...... Nowhere along the line did I manage to desist from adding to the stash but not a lot of knotting nor crocheting has been done for months. Then came the announcement of new babies for near friends and a daughter so the needles came out again and new items are coming thick and fast. A few crocheted blankets came off the needle first and now I am back to the knitting. As ever, I have found a couple of patterns that I like so we are into multiples again. Some 3 ply purchased many years ago has been brought back into action - unraveled a number of times and now becoming a c2c, I hope. Some more star blankets are inevitable and large granny squares. Nice bright cardigans are the order of the day too - oh, I am having fun!