The two White Star hens laid beautiful, large, white shelled eggs. When the fox despatched Simon Garfunkel stopped laying and she has not resumed. Over the weekend we noticed her, once proud, red comb had paled and she looked bedraggled and unhappy. Closer inspection revealled fine twine wrapped around her feet. Very careful untangling and snipping removed what must have been constricting blood supply and she now looks much happier. No eggs of a white variety have yet appeared but it feels so much better that she has had the twine removed. We cannot see where it came from but the netting over the coop has come detached and, although it does not seem to have fallen into the coop, that is the only possible explanation we can think of. Constant vigilance is needed even when the hens are in their protective environment. I miss being able to let them roam free in the garden but their welfare must be paramount and, unless I can be with them all the time, I cannot risk letting them wander.
There are still a few eggs each day and, when not baking, they mount up. The freezer is running low on bread and cakes so that is maybe a message about what I can do this week. Yesterday's wholemeal bread did not turn out to my liking and it can be demoralising when things do not work out. I have to try to forget about the failures and try again. I seem to have far more success with white bread than brown and the easy option would be to stick to white. A defeatist attitude will not promote a sense of achievement, however and I know that the answer may lie in actually reading a recipe for wholemeal bread and following it.
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