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Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Socks update

The first sock is complete.
I searched on you tube for a video on how to finish off properly using Kitchener stitch then got widely distracted by the fact that my cousins who recently came on the trip to Vegas with me live in Kitchener, Ontario and maybe I could just go into the family tree software and ensure that all the new children had been correctly entered.
I abandoned the Kitchener stitch and actually followed the pattern which was not so specific in its finishing off instructions. It was then that I realised that I had not followed the pattern - again - when I had been shaping the toes. I had, at least, got the shaping in the correct place on the sock but I had not followed the pattern of decreasing properly. Nonetheless the sock fits well and feels comfortable. I think Jess will like it. The decison now to be made is whether to make a matching sock or a correct sock? In the meantime I have a couple of discrepancies in a family line which can easily be sorted and that is going to take priority.
My thoughts are all over the place today and I am putting that down to a trip to the dentist, an impending birthday, plans for the weekend, socks, an intention not to knit any more chicken egg cozies for a while and day 2 of a calorie counting diet - some hope.

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