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Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Bookshelves and knitting patterns

I usually do my grocery shopping online. I really do not enjoy trips to large supermarkets and online shopping was something I very quickly embraced. Today, however, I made my way to our local Asda to buy firelighters and tea bags! The store had changed so much since the last time I had visited; that always irritates me; I like to know where to find the things I want. Then I began to think about the joys of serendipity when I came across some colourful plastic envelopes which were ideal for the storage of my old knitting patterns. I bought two packs and came home to spend a very pleasant hour arranging patterns into suitable groupings to go on to the bookshelf alongside my collection of knitting books. Now, when I want a baby pattern, I won't have to go through the whole pile, I can just open up the pink envelope with smaller patterns - the vintage ones or the other pink envelope with the more recent patterns - the A4 sized or the print outs from Ravelry.
This unusual burst of organisation follows an hour spent over the weekend moving my, ever increasing, stash of wool out of various boxes and onto some shelves upstairs. This has certain advantages - I can see, more clearly, what I have and the number of balls. I can see which wools might go together in some new item and I can also remind myself not to buy any more! At least for a while.


  1. I am interested in your storage ideas for knitting patterns as I was given some one's collection dating from late 60s to late 90s.

    So far they are still in the folders and envelopes as given by the donor but as our son and his wife have bought their own home I will be taking over his room for my knitting storage. Daughter has moved out too so there may be space there too but more organisation is needed.

    Thank you for such an interesting blog.


    1. Thank you. How wonderful to get a new knitting pattern collection and , even better, a room for knitting storage! I have Ikea boxes with various craft items in most rooms of the house. When we move I hope to be better organised - I have this dream of one huge room with my books, my sewing and knitting, a table for the sewing machine which is big enough to cut out patterns on and to spread out my family history research and space on the walls for the old family photographs.......
