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Thursday 30 January 2014

Yet more log cabins

Life is stressful at the moment. The house is up for sale and a move away is a distinct possibility. To keep myself calm in this time of change I have been furiously knitting yet more log cabin blankets. I think I have enough yarn for quite a few more and fully intend to finish off the yarn I have before buying more - famous last words, I know!!


  1. How is the house selling going? Around here we are bombarded with leaflets from agents wanting us to sell as there is such a shortage of properties, on the South Coast our daughter is trying to sell her lovely two bedroom purpose built flat, but has had few viewers. So much depends on the area of the country.

    Your log cabins are so beautiful, a few of those draped around will enhance any property for sale.

  2. Thank you for the comments about the log cabins - we do have a few around!! House sold within 2 weeks and now awaiting a moving date - exciting times.
