My husband is the king of BCC - bar code cancelled. He delights in trips to the supermarket about 10 minutes before they are due to close and purchases, it seems to me, anything he sees with a little yellow or red or blue sticker." Bar code cancelled"! "Reduced"! "Bargain"!
Today is our wedding anniversary. Last night he came home, thrilled, with a £15 Marks and Spencer bouquet for 80p - actually 70p more than he would have hoped to spend but that is, perhaps, maligning him.
Over the years I have been happy with the 50p chicken, the French loaves for 10p, various pastries for between 15p and 50p; pleased with the ready meals for half price but bemused by the 16 ripe avocados for £1 and the boxes of "past their best" fruit and vegetables. A box of red peppers earlier this year was a puzzle until half were roasted and added to a fish stew and the rest griddled and frozen to be revived later chopped into couscous with herbs and a good olive oil.
My personal shopping default setting does tend to relate to planned meals but a bag full of BCC goods brings a certain guilty pleasure especially when cost produces no guilt and otherwise extravagnt desserts are, indeed, a pleasure.
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