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Sunday, 11 September 2011

A poignant day

This time in September used to be about remembering the birthdays of a couple of friends and a wedding anniversary. Then, 10 years ago, came 9/11 and, one year ago, my mother died. This year brings the delight of a new baby but memories and thoughts of loved ones.
I don't remember where I was when JFK died although many of my generation do but I recall with great detail the events of 9/11. I was home with my younger daughter who was waiting to go off to university. Her school awards ceremony was to be on the 13th when she was to receive the school cup for English literature - replacing her sister who won the same cup the previous year. On that memorable day she was watching a Doris Day film whilst I was in the kitchen listening to the radio when they annoounced that a plane had hit the World Trade Centre. I went in to the room and changed the channel on the television and we sat there gripped. I had been in New York with my son just a couple of years before and we had been into the WTC. Total disbelief.
Last year was probably the first year that I had not really thought about the anniversary of the date as I was spending the last few days of my mother's life with her in hospital. I had the privilege of being with both my parents as they passed away, within 10 weeks of each other and I shall remain forever grateful for that fact. Sitting here today thinking about 9/11 and my Mum and Dad I know that life will never be the same again. Yet life and people move on and we are about to move on to a new way of life. What will happen and where we will be are still unknown facts but life remains forever exciting and who is to know just what each new day will bring.

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