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Sunday, 11 September 2011

Defeated by technology - I surrender

Number one printer is old and slow and consumes ink cartridges in the same way as I drink tea. Hence the extravagant purchase of a number two printer which, allegedly, is much cheaper to run in terms of ink; it also has wireless capacity.
Initial surrender came whilst attempting to install on the elderly PC which is connected to number one printer. Software was loaded but new printer could not be seen. Fortunately the laptop was able to see the new printer and it was actually possible to print. So far so fairly good. Then I tried to scan. Old family photographs are to be shared, not hidden away in albums only to be brought out when relatives come to visit and, having recently re-established contact with a not too distant relative, I decided to spend some time scanning in some old photographs of our mutual great grandparents. An update to the software seemed to be needed so the 9 minutes needed to download and install was whiled away. The laptop then decided that it no longer could see the printer. Switching off and on seemed to resolve that one and a test print worked. One photograph to scan froze  - off and on again. This time a photograph scanned and was safely saved. Enthusiastically I tried the second photograph; this too scanned. Then I suppose I was getting optimistic. In the background I still have a "scanning" and if I cancel I know that I will get a "cancelling" and it will be off/on again.
So it is a secondary surrender. I never used to believe that patience was a virtue but it truly is and, combined with tolerance, makes life so much more bearable. It is not the end of the world. I just have to do the off/on again and give it another go. Perhaps next time I will get three in a row - perhaps not. The photographs are not going to go away.
They look as if they were having a good time:

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